Everybody wins when it comes to corporate social respon...
Published in Australia’s premiere Health, Environment and Wellbeing Magazine WRITTEN BY TERRY ROBSON JULY 30, 2020 Environment I Health I Wellness I Life I Planet Corporate. Social. Responsibility. Three words that, each on their own, are perfectly intelligible but, until recently, when placed together as a phrase became like something from a Lewis Carroll poem: nonsense. “Corporate social responsibility” as a phrase has been as oxymoronic as “gourmet cheese in a can”, “wise lycra fashion choices” or “must-see reality TV”. Today, however, corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only makes perfect sense, it is imperative to our way forward as a society. What is it? In truth, corporate social responsibility is about engaging with reality, the reality of the nature of a corporation…. Read more »
Self-Disrupt to Redesign the Future of Work
Leaders and Workers Must Launch Change With Self-Disruption by SANDJA BRÜGMANN, Re-published by B the Change, Originally published in Conscious Company Media. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” — R. Buckminster Fuller The future of work encourages whole human beings to move toward their highest soulful potential. This requires a drastic redesign of organizations, how we work and what we recognize as success. It calls on us to move away from control, manipulation and fear toward cultures that support and foster personal growth, freedom, autonomy and blossoming of the individual. Leaders operate their businesses within an increasingly complex context of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity). They… Read more »
Nyt netværk skal flytte bæredygtighed og etik ind i k...
Tiden for CSR og langsigtede strategier er forbi; den etiske og bæredygtige forståelse skal helt ind i kernen af os som ledere og i vores virksomheder. På det grundlag vil et nyt netværk for bæredygtig ledelse få os til se sandheden i øjnene og skabe reel forandring. Chr. Hansen og Ørsted er blandt deltagerne. “Sustainability is an integral part of Chr. Hansen. Currently 82% of Chr. Hansen’s product portfolio have a direct positive contribution to the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development no. 2, 3 and 12. We work to continuously understand, monitor, and improve our performance on the issues that are most material to our stakeholders and thereby to the future success of our business. With our Nature’s… Read more »
Self-Disrupt to Redesign the Future of Work
by SANDJA BRÜGMANN, Originally published in Conscious Company Media. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller The future of work encourages whole human beings to move toward their highest soulful potential. This requires a drastic redesign of organizations, how we work, and what we recognize as success. It calls on us to move away from control, manipulation, and fear toward cultures that support and foster personal growth, freedom, autonomy, and blossoming of the individual. Leaders operate their businesses within an increasingly complex context of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). They must navigate resource scarcity, economic polarity, the speed of technological… Read more »
8 Mental Habits the Most Successful People Learn to Bre...
It’s not what you learn, but what you unlearn that matters. Sometimes, success comes not from what you learn to do but what you learn to stop doing. That bit of wisdom comes from Sandja Brügmann, a serial entrepreneur and founder of the Passion Institute, a conscious leadership, strategic purpose, and sustainable business consultancy for executives and entrepreneurs. “Once we have developed understanding of how we interfere with our visions and goals, then comes the challenging process of unlearning and changing specific behaviors,” she explains. Unlearning is hard work. “It requires one to move out of automatic behaviors and into conscious understanding, where we take control of our own actions and lives,” Brügmann says. “It requires confronting uncomfortable feelings and an… Read more »
Bæredygtig Ledelse: Når man ikke driver rovdrift fra ...
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CSR er endelig blevet mainstream
Siger økoliteracy, systemisk bæredygtighed og regenerativ ledelse dig noget? Hvis ikke, så må du hellere læse med her. Det bliver nemlig ifølge førende CSR-tænkere tre af de afgørende ledelsesbegreber, du kommer til at skulle forholde dig til i 2018. Sandja Brügmann og Fritjof Capra til journalist Annemette Schultz Jørgensen #CSR #fremtidens ledelse #efteruddannelse CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) er endelig blevet mainstream, og ledere ser ud til at have accepteret, at bæredygtig adfærd er både en økonomisk og moralsk nødvendighed i 2017. Eller gør de? I dag mener 97 procent af CEOer, at bæredygtighed er vigtigt for deres virksomheds fremtidige succes. De fleste har efterhånden også klare retningslinjer for den sociale, miljømæssige eller etiske opførsel,… Read more »
Making the Impossible Possible: Learning Authenticity f...
by Chantell Haines Today’s companies are being tasked with the impossible: How can we make money for our shareholders, pay our employees well, and positively impact the environment and society as a whole? The purpose of a business used to be specifically to increase value for the shareholders. While this still clearly holds importance today, there is a growing pressure to expand this value to all stakeholders, and the perception of value is changing. Consumers and investors are demanding that value be created by more than just profit, that it be created by authenticity, transparency and trust. Companies are being challenged to figure out how to do this. Every single industry needs to redefine how it operates in order… Read more »
Sandja Brügmann by Leading Humans
by leadinghumans | Sep 21, 2017 | Interview Sandja Brügmann is one of the leading voices within sustainable social-impact change and conscious leadership. Aside from this conversation, Sandja is also sharing her perspectives with us as part of Leading Human’s brain trust. What is the core of conscious capitalism? – Humans are destroying themselves by how we are consuming, a big part of this is founded in how business is being conducted. – The economic model builds on homo economicus, the rational man. But mankind is not rational. We are driven by our feelings, often unconsciously driven by fear. Our world is currently built on a foundation which is untrue. – As long as we are at a lower… Read more »
Ti råd til bæredygtige forretningsmodeller
Der er forretningsfordele i bæredygtige initiativer. Men hvilke initiativer, skal din virksomhed tage, og hvad kræver det af ledelsen? Skrevet af Stine Bjerre Herdel, F5 Lidl gør det, H&M gør det, Sticks&Sushi gør det, Aarstiderne gør det, Irma gør det, og mange, mange andre virksomheder i verden gør det: De tager initiativer i forretningen, der går i en mere bæredygtig retning – og de tjener penge på det. Faktisk er det kun et spørgsmål om tid, før alle virksomheder i et eller andet omfang er nødt til at tænke emner som socialt ansvar, miljø og klima ind i deres forretningsmodel. Det synspunkt kommer til udtryk i udtalelser fra en lang række globale virksomheder – og det støttes også herhjemme af blandt andre Morten Lehmann, CSR-chef… Read more »