Summer Reading List 2018
On my Summer reading list are books that advance the future of positive impact leadership and the new business models, understanding and mindsets needed to ensure that business is part of the solution to the challenges we face in the world today. Which books would you add to this list? Please comment in the area below! Happy reading and enjoy your Summer! PS: Background setting: Island of Bornholm, Baltic Sea, Denmark. SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave SaveSave
Sandja Brügmann interviewed by Leading Humans
Fremtidens lederskab udføres på en måde, så mennesket blomstrer … Interview med Sandja Brügmann i Leading Humans. The future of leadership is conducted in such a manner that the individual blooms …
Watch Sandja Brügmann, member of our Brain trust, talk about why she chose Leading Humans, and the change that she believes is necessary. (Interview in Danish)
Systems Thinking: Life-Enhancing Business Through Leade...
Change is one of the most challenging elements of life within an organization. To sustain a change agenda moving away from behaviors and decisions that are life-destroying to becoming life-enhancing, the nuances of both corporate culture and the patterns of human behavior need to be understood. This requires systems thinking – also called visual seeing and thinking skills. I sat down with Fritjof Capra, one of the world’s most distinguished scientists and systems theorists, to discuss the implications of systems thinking for business, leadership and society. Sandja Brügmann: In Capra Course, you speak to the biggest crisis of our time – that we are not just experiencing a sustainability crisis, but a crisis of perception. What is this crisis of… Read more »
Sandja Brügmann contributes to new book, Gurubogen
The new Danish book “Gurubogen” is a collection of articles from 100 leading business innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world. Sandja Brügmann contributes with an article on how investing in leadership and organizational consciousness is needed to drive both sustainability, social-good and thrivability. “I fremtiden er det kun brands, som arbejder for at gøre livet bedre for menneskeheden, der vil overleve. De ledere, vi udpeger til at guide os, skal derfor også findes blandt dem, som er i stand til at skabe bedre liv.” – Sandja Brügmann, excerpt from her article Fremtidens leder er autentisk, passioneret, modig og formålsdrevet. English translation: “In the future it is only brands that strive to make life better for humanity that will survive. The… Read more »
PassionTalk TV with Sandja featuring Steve Demos, co-fo...
It is a huge privilege to sit down with Steve to interview this legendary pioneer in the business as a force for good movement about his perspective on good business practises and right livelihood principles in action.
Is Fear Stealing Your Success?
Use fear to propel yourself forward, rather than get into self-sabotage mode.
Here’s Why The Best Leaders Focus On Personal Growth
It is our highest purpose as human beings to live with focused commitment to our inner growth. We create eudaimonic contentment (i.e., deep, sustained contentment) when we forego immediate pleasures—such as the next shiny object (materialism, workaholism, sex, drug etc). ‘Eudaimonia’ is a Greek word associated with Aristotle and often mistranslated as ‘happiness’—which has contributed to misunderstandings about what happiness is. Some experts say Aristotle meant ‘well-being’ when he wrote that humans can attain eudaimonia by fulfilling their potential(WSJ).” This article interview explores how you create a deep level of contentment and fulfillment for yourself in your business life.
10 Skills Successful Leaders of Conscious Capitalism Po...
Our leaders of tomorrow need deep emotional awareness and radical empathy skills.
Trends on the Future of Leadership
Leaders of the new Conscious Capitalism business paradigm are typically committed to continued personal growth, expanded inclusion and conscious awareness of the context in which they do business.
22 Quotes On Passion That Will Make You Take Action On ...
We gathered some of our favorite quotes from global business-, thought- and spiritual leaders to inspire you to lead from a deeper passion with purposeful determination, knowing that this is your time to go for big. 1. It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old, they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams. – Gabriel Garcia Marquez