Women's Leadership Summit interview with Sandja Brügma...

  Women’s Leadership Summit interview with Sandja Brügmann, hosted by Jennifer Maynard of Discovery Coaching in USA Jan 2016. Listen in to learn: Who or what motivates me to continue to succeed daily How I foster creative and innovative thinking within my business and organization How I maintain motivation and inspiration despite obstacles, pushbacks or setbacks What piece of advice I would give to someone starting their leadership journey   SANDJA BRÜGMANN is a serial entrepreneur, international speaker and sustainable communications & marketing expert with a passion for conscious leadership. Sandja mentors visionary business leaders and entrepreneurs around the world helping people manifest a passion-filled and on purpose business that makes a positive difference to people, planet and profits. She… Read more »


Here’s Why The Best Leaders Focus On Personal Growth

It is our highest purpose as human beings to live with focused commitment to our inner growth. We create eudaimonic contentment (i.e., deep, sustained contentment) when we forego immediate pleasures—such as the next shiny object (materialism, workaholism, sex, drug etc). ‘Eudaimonia’ is a Greek word associated with Aristotle and often mistranslated as ‘happiness’—which has contributed to misunderstandings about what happiness is. Some experts say Aristotle meant ‘well-being’ when he wrote that humans can attain eudaimonia by fulfilling their potential(WSJ).” This article interview explores how you create a deep level of contentment and fulfillment for yourself in your business life.


Interview on Work & Life Balance with Sandja Brügmann ...

Meet Sandja Brugmann: Sandja’s roles are Sustainability & Communication Advisor CEO at Refresh Agency & Conscious Leadership at The Passion Institute. Sandja’s contagious zest for helping businesses grow led us to connecting and wanted to get to know a bit more about this fascinating dynamic woman. SBM: When did you begin Refresh Agency and The Passion Institute and how did it come about? Sandja: My two businesses help leaders do business as a force for good with a focus on the quadruple bottom line: People, Planet, Purpose and Profit. Refresh Agency launched in 2002 focus on building brands and companies externally in the world with focus on  sustainability and social impact. The Passion Institute launched last month in June 2015, focus internally in the company helping people… Read more »


Conscious Leader Spot: Eileen Fisher's Bold New Path

Eileen Fisher designs from her heart. Long before sustainability really got going as a business movement, this giant of the fashion world created clothes inspired by her love for natural fibers and her desire to make pieces that were timeless and long-lasting.
