
5 Ways to a Strong Sustainability & Purpose Culture
These 5 Tips to create a Strong Sustainability and Purpose Culture from Sandja Brügmann, CEO The Passion Institute, was originally published alongside an interview in SustainReport, the full article (in Danish) is accessible here: 5 råd til lederen, der vil skabe en stærk sustainability kultur. 1. Move from being Change-ready to Change-driven In order to solve the sustainability challenges we are faced with, as a leader you need to be able to bring other people to life, to flourish, such that they experience and are able to access their innate passion, innovation and creativity. This require leadership development on the personal development plane to know what motivates and drive others, beneath the obvious and spoken. This is why you… Read more »
Self-Disrupt to Redesign the Future of Work
by SANDJA BRÜGMANN, Originally published in Conscious Company Media. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” – R. Buckminster Fuller The future of work encourages whole human beings to move toward their highest soulful potential. This requires a drastic redesign of organizations, how we work, and what we recognize as success. It calls on us to move away from control, manipulation, and fear toward cultures that support and foster personal growth, freedom, autonomy, and blossoming of the individual. Leaders operate their businesses within an increasingly complex context of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). They must navigate resource scarcity, economic polarity, the speed of technological… Read more »
CSR er endelig blevet mainstream
Siger økoliteracy, systemisk bæredygtighed og regenerativ ledelse dig noget? Hvis ikke, så må du hellere læse med her. Det bliver nemlig ifølge førende CSR-tænkere tre af de afgørende ledelsesbegreber, du kommer til at skulle forholde dig til i 2018. Sandja Brügmann og Fritjof Capra til journalist Annemette Schultz Jørgensen #CSR #fremtidens ledelse #efteruddannelse CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) er endelig blevet mainstream, og ledere ser ud til at have accepteret, at bæredygtig adfærd er både en økonomisk og moralsk nødvendighed i 2017. Eller gør de? I dag mener 97 procent af CEOer, at bæredygtighed er vigtigt for deres virksomheds fremtidige succes. De fleste har efterhånden også klare retningslinjer for den sociale, miljømæssige eller etiske opførsel,… Read more »
Keynote Speaker at Promote Iceland's annual meeting - ...
Promote Iceland is Iceland’s private/public owned export organization expanding the Icelandic brand in international markets. It was a pleasure for me to be the sustainable and conscious business expert and keynote speaker at this year’s annual meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. Watch a short post event interview about how I see Iceland from a strategic business, marketing and conscious leadership perspective below. Are you looking for a speaker to inspire your audience and deliver engaging, valuable insights that leaves them with new perspectives, inspiration, business cases, tools and an uplifted ‘can do’ attitude? Contact Sandja Brügmann here.
Lad Os Kalde Det Noget Andet
CSR som begreb er i krise. Folk gider ikke at høre om miljøtiltag og miljøprofiler. Måske burde vi kalde det noget andet? Kim Rahbek og Sandja Brügmann var på podiet på Aalborg Universitet, hvor de foldede CSR-idéen ud. Skrevet af Eva Vestrheim, Forfatter, Copy Writer, Konsulent. Udgivet af Dansk Markedsføring. Conscious Business er det nye sort ”over there”, og det må nødvendigvis inkorporeres i de danske forretningsmodeller, hvis vi vil overleve på et globalt marked. Basalt set handler Corporate Social Responsibility blot om enkelthed, ærlighed, transparens, ydmyghed, og at handle bevidst og ansvarligt. Hvor svært kan det være! Kim Rahbek, medstifter af Sticks’ n’ Sushi, og Sandja Brügmann, grundlægger af Refresh Agency, undrer sig over vores konforme måde at tænke… Read more »
Conscious business er det nye sort
Skrevet af Eva Vestrheim. Udgivet af K1. Conscious Business er det nye sort ”overthere” og det må nødvendigvis inkorporeres i de danske forretningsmodeller, hvis vi vil overleve på et globalt marked. Basalt set handler Corporate Social Responsibility blot om simpelhed, ærlighed, transparens, ydmyghed, og at handle bevidst og ansvarligt. Hvor svært kan det være! Kim Rahbek, medstifter af Sticks’ n’ Sushi og Sandja Brügmann, grundlægger af Refresh Agency undrer sig over vores konforme måde at tænke på. Kan det tænkes at CSR kamoufleres under ord som Conscious Business, almindelige dyder som ordentlighed og respekt? Show it, don’t tell it Det ironiske er, at mange virksomheder bestræber sig på at profilere transparens, profilere troværdighed. Et subjekt taler om et objekt…. Read more »
Conscious Leader Spot: Eileen Fisher's Bold New Path
Eileen Fisher designs from her heart. Long before sustainability really got going as a business movement, this giant of the fashion world created clothes inspired by her love for natural fibers and her desire to make pieces that were timeless and long-lasting.
The Color of Money: How Conscious Leadership Will Chang...
You have to walk the talk. We simply cannot have a dialogue with the media on behalf of our brands if I was driving a hummer through the McDonald’s drive-thru.