Everybody wins when it comes to corporate social respon...
Published in Australia’s premiere Health, Environment and Wellbeing Magazine WRITTEN BY TERRY ROBSON JULY 30, 2020 Environment I Health I Wellness I Life I Planet Corporate. Social. Responsibility. Three words that, each on their own, are perfectly intelligible but, until recently, when placed together as a phrase became like something from a Lewis Carroll poem: nonsense. “Corporate social responsibility” as a phrase has been as oxymoronic as “gourmet cheese in a can”, “wise lycra fashion choices” or “must-see reality TV”. Today, however, corporate social responsibility (CSR) not only makes perfect sense, it is imperative to our way forward as a society. What is it? In truth, corporate social responsibility is about engaging with reality, the reality of the nature of a corporation…. Read more »
Invitation to Change-Agents: Wisdom Leadership Network
Transforming business, society and self. In Wisdom Leadership Network we will explore and dive deep into expanding our minds and hearts with new knowledge, perspectives, methods and tools to self-disrupt and transform our personal leadership so we can use business and our leadership to drive transformation and change in the world. The future of leadership and business calls for purpose-driven and value-driven efforts, where success is measured both individually and organizationally on an expanded bottom line – Passion, Purpose, People, Planet & Profit. Below is a video where Sandja Brügmann, CEO The Passion Institute, shares her vision and the purpose of Wisdom Leadership Network. What value can Wisdom Leadership Network give you? Growth Mindset: Methods to maintain a developmental mindset, and specific… Read more »
Purpose: The growth journey to get there
Organizationally and individually it’s becoming mainstream in large parts of the world to have a purpose, a deeper meaning with existing. When done correctly, purpose can create motivation, productivity, creativity, innovation and a shared North Star, a sense of belonging and deep contentment at work and in life. But if you have taken a stab at working with purpose, you know it’s not so easy to actually do. Why is this? I’ll explore in this short video why that is, and what it takes to work with meaningfulness. You can learn more about us at www.ThePassionInstitute.com If you wish to work more with purpose and your transformation as a leader, join me and a top tuned group of change-making… Read more »
5 Ways to a Strong Sustainability & Purpose Culture
These 5 Tips to create a Strong Sustainability and Purpose Culture from Sandja Brügmann, CEO The Passion Institute, was originally published alongside an interview in SustainReport, the full article (in Danish) is accessible here: 5 råd til lederen, der vil skabe en stærk sustainability kultur. 1. Move from being Change-ready to Change-driven In order to solve the sustainability challenges we are faced with, as a leader you need to be able to bring other people to life, to flourish, such that they experience and are able to access their innate passion, innovation and creativity. This require leadership development on the personal development plane to know what motivates and drive others, beneath the obvious and spoken. This is why you… Read more »
8 Mental Habits the Most Successful People Learn to Bre...
It’s not what you learn, but what you unlearn that matters. Sometimes, success comes not from what you learn to do but what you learn to stop doing. That bit of wisdom comes from Sandja Brügmann, a serial entrepreneur and founder of the Passion Institute, a conscious leadership, strategic purpose, and sustainable business consultancy for executives and entrepreneurs. “Once we have developed understanding of how we interfere with our visions and goals, then comes the challenging process of unlearning and changing specific behaviors,” she explains. Unlearning is hard work. “It requires one to move out of automatic behaviors and into conscious understanding, where we take control of our own actions and lives,” Brügmann says. “It requires confronting uncomfortable feelings and an… Read more »
Ny Uddannelse: Fremtidens Lederskab
Fremtidens Lederskab ved Sandja Brügmann, MD The Passion Institute i samarbejde med Ledernes Kompetence Center Skab værdi for din organisation med ny viden og konkrete værktøjer til at forstå fremtiden og lede forandringer, vækst og trivsel. Lige nu ændres betingelserne for organisationer, ledere og medarbejdere med stor hast. Det stiller store krav til dig som leder, og det kræver et nyt mindset og en ny måde at lede på. Fremtidens Lederskab klæder dig på til at blive en fremtidsorienteret leder og udvikler dit personlige lederskab, så du kan stå i spidsen for vækst og trivsel i en hastigt foranderlig tid. Du lærer at skabe en kultur, der tager udgangspunkt i tillid, inddragelse og respekt, og som understøtter innovation og høj… Read more »
What is trust worth? The Importance of Sustainable Lead...
The topic of the keynote: What is trust worth? Sustainability and Environmental Certifications in International Marketing. Into the dialogue is also the underlying leadership skills and levels of consciousness needed to drive business and key decisions with a systems understanding and long-term perspective for business to be a solution socially and environmentally, meeting consumer expectations and demand for Responsible and Responsive Leadership as per the World Economic Forum. Watch Sandja Brügmann’s keynote for Promote Iceland Islandsstoffa’s annual meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland. Are you looking for a speaker to inspire your audience and deliver engaging, valuable insights that leave you and your audience with new perspectives, inspiration, business cases, tools and an uplifted ‘can do’ attitude and actionable tools? Contact… Read more »